Sunday, 12 February 2012


....Kitsch , saccharine ,  overblown sentimentality of the worse kind , all set to swamp the entire western world on a rising tide of excessive commercialism , squeezing the last drop of faux romanticism out of the rabid enthusing public .........

Yes , courtesy of Hallmark and countless others it's that glorious proto-religious festival looming known as Valentines day , the day when restaurants charge twice as much for food twice as bad as usual , entire forests are consumed by paper mills for the worst kind of cards , garages sell out of flowers and chocolates , bars sell cheap fizz at champagne prices and undying love forever is proclaimed , at least until the morning after.

......and then occasionally - Very occasionally - ok , Once In A Fucking Lifetime , someone cuts through all the bullshit and the crap .............

 Willie Nelson nails it - this is all that needs to be said. This one's for you, Mary.

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