So lets start by having a look at this short clip.....................................
I think that that establishes the basic relationship pretty well , and I liked the way the designer responds with enthusiasm to the client's suggestions.....incidentally , if you want to see it on a larger screen or the rest of these instructional clips - there are quite a few , just google ' Youtube/Client vs Designer '
Ok , this next one is a bit more sophisticated , and is interactive ; if you go to , click
Ok , this next one is a bit more sophisticated , and is interactive ; if you go to , click
on the 10 Commandments / introduction header on the left hand side , then navigate your way through the commandments until you reach No.1 and the promised land . An excellent guide , I thought , to dealing with those more demanding clients , and a most useful set of pointers . I just wish that they had told me stuff like this when I was at college . ( Incidentally , is an excellent site in its own right - I just singled out the section for dealing with clients ).
Finally , of course , if you are a partnership and studio based , then a warm and inviting welcome will immediately put clients at their ease - this photograph of the reception floor of the Partners offices in London illustrates the point quite nicely I thought......
A few good pointers there , I thought , to help you navigate that all important relationship with the client ; my own experiences are well documented in the posting of 31/07/2011 and Kevin Nolan .
So in those dark nights of the soul when you wonder why on earth you are doing this and there must be easier ways of making a living , just remember - its the same for all of us.
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.......
Walk on , walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.
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