I suppose that this is the work that started it all and got me thinking.................the site is 28 Oldham Street ,
Manchester and the location of Dry Bar for those of you who know the area - and know your history , The current owner had instructed us to work on converting the entire building ( the upper floors are currently derelict ) to a boutique hotel , 30 odd rooms or so , and themed around the music scene in Manchester , both past and present. Lots of scope , then .............so off we go , full of enthusiasm.
Except that some eighteen months down the road the clients throws all of his bricks out of the pram , aborts the scheme and refuses to pay us - in all probability because he hadn't realise what it was going to cost to build , although he had been told.........and so all the works sits in a drawer ........so much stored energy.
Working within the built environment , so many factors are entirely out of my control - the client / site / finance / bureaucracy - as in planning , building regs , fire officers , health and safety etc - and it occurred to me that I could investigate these sites in purely 2D / drawn form , and on my own terms. The proposal therefore would be to re-visit some of the sites that I have worked on in Manchester over the years ; outside of the real world parameters dictated by practicality , commerciality and the wherewithal or otherwise of clients, an alternative reality would then be constructed for these sites , investigated through the dynamics of architectural representation but with the opportunity to overlay texts , narrative , artworks and illustration to create the experience of an alternative reality.
Makes sense ? .....to me it does . Its a part-time course , over two years , so plenty of time to develop some interesting ideas .................so watch this space.
And a belated congratulation to Jonathan at http://www.artistictype.co.uk/ on finally getting his MA , checking out with a distinction . No pressure there , then..............
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