Monday, 12 September 2011


As an avid reader of books I must admit to not having embraced the world of electronic books all that a student in the sixties my cultural life was signposted by the Penguin and Pelican paperback imprint , at that time at the cutting edge for students - cheap , available and required reading .

The pelican series brought you R.D.Laing , Theo Crosby , Ivan Illich and others on a monthly basis , well printed and well designed.......the Penguin classics introduced texts by Camus , Satre , Hesse - and somewhere in there Marshall McLuhan as well .................all good stuff . Well designed and good covers that stood out amongst the relatively drab world of publishing in the sixties. So the advent of the Kindle and electronic publishing doesn't do a lot for me - where's the visual element ?

......And then I came across ' We Tell Stories ' .......What ? ...a web site of on-line stories - but told through the medium of the internet.....

.....try ' The 21 Steps ' by Charles Cumming - a story set in a familiar physical context  through the use of GPS devices...........this to me takes story-telling via electronic media to a whole new level ......... and the collection has been put together by no less than Penguin - reclaiming their future ! The tools that are used to tell tales are obviously evolving , more participatory and more engaging than just printed words or pictures . At the start of all new ideas , new media , its a question of trying out pretty much everything - some will stick , some won't.................but at least the future looks interesting.

check these stories out at www.

.........and good reading

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