Wednesday, 25 September 2013


....Life is a cabaret , old chum , come to the cabaret.................

An appropriate title , I thought , as one of the featured works is ' The Cabaret Rooms '. Yes , it's showtime and having finished my MA course the End of Year Show opens up at Manchester School of art @MMU on Friday 27th September and runs through until Sunday 13th October.....

There is a lot of good work on view , so it's worth a trip if you are in Manchester...........

.............and now the end is near , and as I face the final curtain......with at least some decent work produced ................I ought to say a heartfelt thanks to at least a couple of companies without whom etc etc .- all of you at LCT in Chester who did a wonderful job with the framing - love you lots , girls - and the workshop boys at Bridgewater Contracts plus Geoff - a never-ending source of 6mm MDF. Won't be bothering either of them again for a while now.

.......just waiting for the show to start , then......................


...and the caravan is on it's way............

Trawling through goggle images whilst researching for an up-coming piece of artwork -  ' The Fortune Teller at the Hose of the Art Lover ' - I came across these wonderful design drawings in standard architectural notation  ( front elevation , side elevation ) for the caravan that forms the centre piece of Terry Gilliam's ' The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus '...........this is a career ? People get paid for designing these sort of things ? Where do I apply ............?

........and the film was wonderful as well............
The Caravan is on its way................
Turn it up , turn it up...................

Thursday, 19 September 2013

DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN ...............

It's been quite a while since I last posted on here ; put it down to working hard on the last part of my MA course , or sheer laziness.............


Anyway , to return . Having relocated the entire family up to Manchester in 1980  and starting a new career / partnership in the area , one of the first projects I remember working on was Paddy's Goose , a city centre pub on Bloom Street at the back of Chorlton street bus station. seems a lifetime ago ..............

More recently I have been working pretty much next door at Richmond House on Bloom Street ,  both on the design of the Richmond Street Tea Rooms and - more figuratively - on The House Of The Book Lover , a source for a number of works on my MA course , so I pass Paddy's Goose quite regularly.....

And here it is again...........

...... this time the subject of a painting by Anne Aspinall , someone I know quite well as one of the artists running the Longden Gallery in Macclesfield.. It had never occurred to me that it might be a nice exterior to paint , but here it is in all its' glory............

Check out Anne's work and the rest of the artists at the Longden Gallery at
and I should be back on here shortly with my final MA work and news of an exhibition........